Wednesday, January 19, 2011

just an observation: car commercials

i'll keep this short and sweet.

in the US, car commercials are marketed towards women; as consumer insights have proven that women are the 'decision makers' in the average US household. que the 30 second spot of women coming out of grocery stores, leaving the office, or picking up the kids; looking empowered, energized, and (most importantly) complimented by their largest accessory, their shiny automobile.

if you cross the atlantic and happen to be watching the National Geographic channel in Holland at 1am you will get back-to-back car commercials (3 in a row!), but the vision of the empowered woman is different. this woman doesn't care about the groceries, her office dress code is much more liberal, and kids? who needs kids. car commercials in The Netherlands are all about sex. and who needs 30 seconds to describe how much sex you'll get from this car? these were more like 10 seconds, quick and to the point. tho sadly, don't ask me the brand names (and i'm usually really good with that!), by the time we got to the 3rd commercial in a row (all with the same look/feel), i was just hoping there wouldn't be a 4th of these high production/low concept ad's.

that's all :)

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